Animals Aww Videos

Lost Cat Wanders Into Pet Shop to Decimate The Catnip Aisle & 7 Other Times Cats Freaked Out Over The Herb

Lost Cat Wanders Into Pet Shop to Decimate The Catnip Aisle & 7 Other Times Cats Freaked Out Over The Herb

Catnip, referred to as “Nepeta cataria” by scientific types, contains a feline attractant called nepetalactone. When cats are exposed to this substance it causes them to act bizarrely; with behaviors such rubbing on the plant, rolling on the ground, pawing at it, licking it, and chewing it. If cats consume too much catnip it usually leads to drooling, sleepiness, anxiety, jumping around, and purring. This fun behavior is usually followed by the cat completely passing out.

source: Catster

source: Catster

Interestingly, big cats like leopards, cougars, servals, and lynxes react to catnip the same way that domesticated cats do. But although lions and tigers have reactions to the herb sometimes, they don’t always seem to feel an effect.

Here are 8 times that cats had hilarious reactions to catnip.

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