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Seven Changes To The Original Star Wars Trilogy That Made It More Awesome (Just Kidding — They Sucked)

Seven Changes To The Original Star Wars Trilogy That Made It More Awesome (Just Kidding — They Sucked)

There will only be one. And it won’t be what I would call the ‘rough cut,’ it’ll be the ‘final cut.’ The other one will be some sort of interesting artifact that people will look at and say, ‘There was an earlier draft of this.’ – George Lucas

That quote sums up George Lucas’ take on the original Star Wars trilogy, his science fiction masterpiece. It’s a credit to his vision that the movies touched people so intensely that the reaction when he began releasing his Special Edition director’s cuts in the late 1990’s was so explosive. And then it seemed a little mean-spirited when he decided to try and erase the legacy of the original films.

Whether you like the changes or not, they definitely do not go un-noticed to anyone who was even slightly a fan of the original “drafts.” Here are the top seven most cringe-worthy enhancements that were introduced with the Special Edition cuts.

All images credit Lucasfilm.

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